Jingle bells, your foot smells. But that won't matter, when your foot is so attractively decorated with one of our men's Christmas socks. Violate the spirit of your office dress code with the outrageously colorful and festive stockings. You may even want to leave your shoes off, just to show off your new footgear. That will get you sent home for sure!
Jingle bells, your foot smells. But that won't matter, when your foot is so attractively decorated with one of our men's Christmas socks. Violate the spirit of your office dress code with the outrageously colorful and festive stockings. You may even want to leave your shoes off, just to show off your new footgear. That will get you sent home for sure!
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Men's Christmas Onesies
Men's Ugly Christmas Sweaters
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Men's Christmas Clothing
Matching Couples Christmas Sweaters
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Christmas Onesies for Adults
Are your toes as toasty as they should be? Even if you're a flip-flops during the summer kind of guy, there comes a time when you have to put on your grownup shoes--and that means wearing grown man Christmas socks. But you can still rebel against adultism by choosing stockings with funny designs. Our Christmas socks for men give you a sneaky way to be casual even when you're wearing business attire. Here are a few of our favorite Christmas socks from Tipsy Elves for your feet.
Playful white kittens scamper across a red background on these festive stockings. In fact, we have quite a few of these little mousers running around the workshop at the North Pole. Keeping them out of the yarn while we are knitting is an impossible task. So, we just let them toy with any of the cheap novelty socks that don't pass Quality Assurance. Pretty soon, all that's left is a tangle of colorful yarn.
From Diana Ross to Bob Ross, the afro has enjoyed a long history as an attention-grabbing hairdo. These Coco Crisp gingerbread men takes the abundant and vibrant hair style in a new direction on our 70s style Men's Christmas disco socks. Run, run, as fast as you can, your hair will never look as awesome as this!
Our cranky cat socks look a lot like we used to feel on Christmas morning. After having worked hard all year, we'd want to go out and have a good time. But the North Pole is the definition of a small town. There's no place to go and nothing to do. Having a party here is about as fun as watching ice melt. That's why we moved to California. The beaches are hot, and so are the babes. If we could convince this grumpy old tom to come with us, he'd be much happier. Too bad he hates flying.
Believe it or not, the holiday season isn't just about Santa and a bunch of elves. Other magical creatures heartily approve of this time of year as well. The gnomes on our gnome socks are really looking forward to the weeks after Christmas when people start dumping their dried up fir trees on the curb. Gnomes hate chopping their own firewood, so they make the rounds of the neighborhood and scoop up as many old trees as they can. You thought it was the recycling company, but it's really two gnomes and a truck!
As Tipsy Elves, we've stepped on quite a few toes over the years (blame it on the whiskey). This means we know there are people out there who would like to walk all over our faces. Here's their chance. We've emblazoned our grinning mugs all over a pair of green, red, and gold men's Christmas socks. These are some of the most colorful accessories in our collection, so they go with everything and nothing at the same time. Find all our men's Christmas socks, ladies Christmas socks, and many more accessories right here at the Tipsy Elves online store.
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